Tangled is an animated movie of Disney and it is one of my favorite Disney's movie. The first time I warched this movie was in my high school's music class. All my classmates and I loved this movie very very much. It's a warm and cute movie based on a fairy tale but the screenwriter changes lot of plots.
Rapunzel is a lovely girl. She is captured in the castle and her only dream is to go out to see the lights in the sky on her birthday. I really wanted to watch the movie again so I did it in this short four-day vacation.
I remembered the first time I watched the movie, Rapunzel's story cheered me up and made me be braver to face my entrance exam. And this time, she inpires me again and gives me some courages to face the future.
Never stop to pursue our dreams. There are always hope if we don't give up. Keep holding on and at last we will get our own success.
By the way, I love the theme song "I see the light" very much!
This is the link of this song's video. Hope you enjoy it, too.